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Patients come first at Community Hospital. If you or your family members have any concerns, tell your nurse right away. You can also:

Contact us

Call (831) 624-5311 or (888) 45CHOMP to reach the staff at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula.

Enjoy well-prepared, nutritious food that fuels healing during your stay at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula.

Patient meals

Your diet is prescribed by your doctor and designed by nutrition experts — Montage Health's registered dietitians. If you have any nutrition-related questions, a dietitian or nutrition technician is available to:

  • Talk about your nutritional needs
  • Provide education
  • Help you make healthy food choices

Most patients receive a menu to browse and make food and beverage selections. A tray-passer will deliver meals to your room and take any special requests.

When are meals served?

Your mealtime depends on the location of your hospital room. Check with your nurse for specific mealtimes and if you need any assistance.

Room service

Room service is available from 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. by calling ext. 4939 on your hospital room phone. Ask your nurse if you need any assistance.

Snack service

If you're hungry or thirsty between meals, ask your nurse for a light snack or order room service.

Food for hospital visitors

Learn about dining options available to friends and family members visiting patients at Community Hospital. Your bedside table includes a folder with additional information about food service for patients and guests.

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